PC-9801 Larn

Larn v12.3 Patchlevel 1 for NEC PC-9801


Welcome to the game of Larn. At this moment, you face a great problem.
Your daughter has contracted a strange disease, and none of your home remedies
seem to have any effect. You sense that she is in mortal danger, and you must
try to save her. Time ago you heard of a land of great danger and opportunity.
Perhaps here is the solution you need.

It has been said that there once was a great magician who called himself
Polinneaus. Many years ago, after having many miraculous successes, Polinneaus
retired to the caverns of Larn, where he devoted most of his time to the
creation of magic. Rumors have it that one day Polinneaus set out to dispel
an attacking army in a forest some distance to the north. It is believed that
here he met his demise.

The caverns of Larn, it is thought, must be magnificent in design,
and contain much magic and treasure. One option you have is to undertake a
journey into these caverns.

Good Luck! You're going to need it!


PC-9801 Larnの対応動作環境
ソフト名:PC-9801 Larn
機種:IBM-PC PC-98
作者: 山本 景三 




NEC  Larn  Patchlevel 


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