Windows で 32bitアプリケーションを実行する為のモジュール
Microsoft Win32s version 1.25 is the latest version of the software
that allows you to run Win32-based applications on Windows(TM)
version 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1 and later.
The "Microsoft Win32s Upgrade" Application Note disk contains the file
W32S120.EXE; the file LICENSE.TXT, which has legal information
regarding redistribution of Win32s files [please consult the Win32s
"Programmer's Reference," which is part of the Microsoft Win32
Software Development Kit (SDK), for further information]; and a
README.TXT file, which is the text of this Application Note.
The "Microsoft Win32s Upgrade" does not include OLE support. For OLE
support for Win32-based applications under Win32s, you need the Microsoft
Win32(R) SDK.
The Win32s upgrade is intended as an end-user upgrade and is not
intended for further redistribution.
★ 本ファイルは、単体で再配布することはできません。